Thursday, August 30, 2012

Hurricane Issac

Our prayers go out to everyone who was impacted by Hurricane Issac.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Great Spirit!

Very Proud of swimmer Diana Nyad and her indomitable spirit! Quite the inspiration for all !!!

Happy 63rd Birthday Dianna!!!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

NDA signed with Major MFG

With PPA in hand, I approached a major MFG about one of my innovations....   Coincidentally, the company had been planning an internal symposium to brain-storm solutions for the very topic addressed by my product.   They welcomed me with open arms and invited me to speak at their symposium.   Within a couple of days, we had executed a NDA.  We are now collaborating on the upcoming symposium slated for late Aug 2012.  Fingers crossed.